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We will email you back as soon as we can! Or check out our contact us page for a number of ways to get a hold of us.
Thank you!

Meeting Notice, Agendas & Minutes

Meetings and Agendas:


Cal-pines POA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Wednesday, January 15th at 9am

Cal-pines POA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Cal-pines POA's Zoom Meeting
Time: Jan 15, 2025 09:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 808 053 2093


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Meeting ID: 808 053 2093

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(Click on the links to open a PDF/JPG file)






Annual Meeting 5-18-2024




Meeting Minutes:


Here are the minutes from the previous board meetings by date (Minutes will be posted as soon as they are available to post, thank you for your patience):

Board Meeting Minutes for 11-20-2024


Board Meeting Minutes for 9-18-2024

Board Meeting Minutes for 8-21-2024

Board Meeting Minutes for 2-21-2024

Board Meeting Minutes for 1-17-2024

Board Meeting Minutes for 11-15-2023

Board Meeting Minutes for 9-20-2023

Board Meeting Minutes for 7-19-2023

Board Meeting Minutes for 5-20-2023

Board Meeting Minutes for 3-15-2023

Board Meeting Minutes for 01-18-2023

Board Meeting Minutes for 11-19-2022

Board Meeting Minutes for 9-21-2022

Board Meeting Minutes for 7-20-2022

Board Meeting Minutes for 5-21-2022





Association board meetings are governed by the “Common Interest Development Open Meeting Act” (“Open Meeting Act”) found at Civil Code Sections 4900 through 4955.  The provisions of the Open Meeting Act contain requirements that:


One of the primary purposes of the Open Meeting Act is to ensure that a HOA’s members have the opportunity to attend board meetings and to observe the board’s decision-making process. With the exception of executive session meetings, all meetings of the board are open to the association’s members. (Civ. Code § 4925; See also “Board Meeting Attendance Rights.”)


“Open Session”

Open meetings are often scheduled to take place either immediately before or after an executive session meeting. Because members do not have the right to attend executive session, the term “open session” is commonly used to refer to which aspect of the board meeting is open to attendance by the membership.


Open Meeting Matters

Any matter which does not constitute an executive session matter may only be discussed or acted upon by the board at an open meeting. (See “No Action Without a Meeting.”)


Open Meeting Notice and Agenda Requirements

Notice of open meetings must be provided to the association’s members and must include an agenda of items to be discussed or acted upon at the meeting. (Civ. Code § 4920.) In general, notice of the time and place of an open meeting must be provided to all members at least four (4) days prior to the meeting, unless the association’s governing documents require a longer period of notice. (Civ. Code § 4920.) However, if the open meeting “is an emergency meeting held pursuant to Section 4923, the association is not required to give notice of the time and place of the meeting.” (Civ. Code § 4920(b)(1); See also “Board Meeting Notice Requirements.”)


Member Attendance Rights

An association’s members are entitled to attend open board meetings and to address the board during open forum. (Civ. Code § 4925.)


Calling Open Board Meetings

Unless otherwise provided in the association’s articles or bylaws, open board meetings “may be called by the chair of the board or the president or any vice president or the secretary or any two directors.” (Corp. Code § 7211(a)(1).)


Board Open Meeting Minutes

Corporations are required to keep written minutes of board meetings. (Corp. Code § 8320.) Minutes of HOA board meetings (except executive session meetings) must made available to the members within thirty (30) days following the board meeting (Civ. Code § 4950(a)), and in response to a member’s request for the same. (Civ. Code § 4950.) Additionally, “any matter discussed in executive session” must be generally noted in the minutes of the following open board meeting. (Civ. Code § 4935(e); See also “Board Meeting Minutes.”)


Executive Session Matters 

Civil Code Section 4935 specifies certain matters which may, and in some instances must, be discussed or acted upon by the board in executive session.  The following matters are those which may be discussed or acted upon by the board in executive session:


Executive Session Notice and Agenda Requirements

Notice of executive session meetings must be provided to the association’s members and must include an agenda of items to be discussed or acted upon at the meeting. (Civ. Code § 4920.) The amount of notice varies depending upon whether the executive session is held with a scheduled open meeting, or whether the board is meeting “solely in executive session”:

Executive session matters involve confidential, privileged and/or sensitive information which are only “generally noted” in the minutes of the following open board meeting pursuant to Civil Code Section 4935(e).  Broad and generalized descriptions are typically used for executive session agenda items.


Executive Session Minutes: Items Noted In Open Meeting Minutes

Most associations are formed as corporations under the California Corporations Code. Corporations are legally required to keep written minutes of board meetings, membership meetings, and executive committee meetings. (Corp. Code § 8320.) In addition, “any matter discussed in executive session shall be generally noted in the minutes of the immediately following meeting that is open to the entire membership.” (Civ. Code § 4935(e).)


No Member Attendance Rights

Except in instances involving a member’s disciplinary matter or payment plan (discussed above), the association’s members are not entitled to attend executive session meetings. (Civ. Code § 4925(a); See also “Board Meeting Attendance Rights.”)



Committee Meeting Agenda Notice and Member Attendance Rights

Unless a Committee has a quorum of Board Members in attendance (causing it to be a "Board Meeting" pursuant to the Open Meeting Act), there are no provisions of California law which require notice of committee meetings or which allow for members to attend committee meetings. (See HOA Law: "Committee Meetings")

Committee Meeting Minutes

The extent to which a committee is required to keep and maintain minutes of its meetings, and to make them available for inspection by the association’s members, will depend upon whether the committee is an executive committee and/or a committee with “decisionmaking authority.” (Civ. Code §§  5200 (a)(8), 5210)

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

Minutes of executive committee meetings are “association records” that may be inspected by the association’s members, subject to certain limitations. (Civ. Code § 5200(a)(8))  Executive committees are comprised of directors and are given the authority to act on behalf of the board. (Corp. Code § 7212(a).) If an executive committee has “decisionmaking authority,” the minutes of its meetings must be kept and made available for inspection by members within fifteen (15) calendar days following approval. (Civ. Code § 5210.)

Committees with “Decisionmaking Authority”

Committees with “decisionmaking authority” must keep and maintain minutes, and must make them available for inspection by members within fifteen (15) calendar days following approval.

 All other Committees

With the exception of executive committees and committees with “decisionmaking authority,” there is no explicit legal requirement for other types of association committees to keep and maintain minutes of their meetings.



The notices and agendas for the Annual Member Meeting shall be posted on the Home Page of this website (which will automatically be delivered via email to anyone who enters their email on this website in the space provided), on the bulletin board at the Lodge, and by individual notice sent to all members in good standing at least 10 days, but not more than 120 days, before the date of the meeting (as required by Article V, Section 1.1 of the Bylaws).


The notices and agendas for all Board Meetings, including Executive Board Meetings, shall be posted on the Home Page of this website (which will automatically be delivered via email to anyone who enters their email on this website in the space provided), and on the bulletin board at the Lodge at least four days before the meeting in compliance with the Open Meeting Act (Civ. Code § 4920).


Where required by the Committee Charter (as approved by the Board), Committee notices and agendas for committee meetings shall be posted on the Home Page of this website (which will automatically be delivered via email to anyone who enters their email on this website in the space provided), and on the bulletin board at the Lodge.


The POA has made the following minutes available via this website.  If the minutes you are interested in are not available below, you may request them by using the contact form on this site, or by writing to the POA at the address provided.




On-Site Committee